Monday, September 27, 2010

The Insanity of the Red Guard

By Carl Roycroft

The Red Guard has become a feared force across the country of China today. The Red Guard is comprised of individuals generally with limited educations who have exacted a tremendous toll on the intellectual community of China. Their stated goals are to destroy all things and individuals in China that Moa considers to be Feuadal, Racial or Capitalist. As a result the Red Guard attacked has ocorstrated attacks on old religious believes by destroying temples, killing monks and destroying ancient works of art that have been determined to be of an ancient religious nature.
Spoutting "Rebellion is justified" this hoard known as the Red Guard they were know to destroy relious symbols such as churches and were people go to pray and what not. They wanted to destroy any books not having to do with Moa. Most of the people that were educated were sent to ‘reeducation.
The younger generation was the leaders in the Red Guard. They were the ones who were still able to be kind of brain washed by Moa’s government and would do has he and his officials said no matter what. These young kids were usually of the age of middle school kids from 12-14 were the ages which is very young for some thing like this. They have killed women and children in villages that they went though destroying everything dear to them. They were ruthless and unwilling to stop no matter what the villages do. They manly enforced the rules of the Cultural Revolution. Moa said the goal was to attack the “four olds” of Chinas culture was taken away. One was old culture which was going to be hard to break because people have done it for years which also goes along with the other one old customs their pretty much in the same. The others were old habits and old ideas which everyone knows old habits die hard. Those are the kind of people who are in the Red Guard ruthless and just overall followers of the same leader.

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