Monday, September 27, 2010

The Storytellers Sickness

By Tim Erasmi

The Little Seamstress sent Luo a letter asking for him and Ma to come to their village to tell a story. She even has the Headman of her village send two workers in order to take their place for the two days that they will need to go to the city and watch the movie. The Little Seamstress obviously shows feelings for Luo when she says that she has her fingers crossed that the caves will not cave in and he will be safe and the fact that she wanted to go and tell him the news herself.

Luo has malaria at this time but he is determined to fufill the Little Seamstress’s request. The Narrator and Luo travel to her village and all the way Luo’s condition is only getting worse as he continues his struggle with malaria. When they get to the Little Seamstress she immediately cancels the plans to have them tell a story and allows Luo to stay in her bed for the night. She gives him a special natural medicine only found near her village and ties it to his wrist. Then she has sorceresses come over in order to fight away evil spirits. The Sorceresses bring bows and arrows to fight the demons but they soon become overcome with boredom and begin to fall asleep.

The Narrator is then forced to tell a story in order to keep them all awake. Usually Luo is the story teller but Ma tells the story this time and Luo occasionally gives words of encouragement in order to keep him going. It works as the Sorceresses stay awake. Luo and Ma personally do not believe in them but the Little Seamstress does. At one point during the story the Little Seamstress kisses Luo. There is obviously some sort of attraction there. In the morning Luo and Ma leave the Little Seamstress feeling defeated as they failed to go to the movies and tell the village a story but Luo feels like he has succeeded at strengthening his bond with the Little Seamstress.

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